Telephone directory Phone number review

"Phone number review" - the project was created to receive negative or positive information about phone number owners, comments and feedback about companies and quality of their service, information exchange, regarding fraud or SPAM. Visitors of the site can get acquainted with the data of our US telephone directory. However, that information is not 100% completely reliable. In any event, it will help to avoid problems with scammers and criminals. If you have useful information about any phone number, or its owner - leave a comment here. Everyday updating of the telephone directory data enables many people to get over the deception, negative consequences of fraudulent actions, and also get information about dishonest owners of specific phone numbers. Whatever information provided by you may helped many people. Website co-workers also searches for information about every request that you have left. The Administration is grateful to you for providing this materials.

Last comments


(346) 463-3718 or +1 (346)463-3718

Nikolay commented 2024-05-01
Diplomat McCarthy Travis. This one came up as "SR HEALTH PLUS". Guessing it's related to the earlier hangup call from "SR INSURANCE". Give it a rest bozos....


(518) 597-4233 or +1 (518)597-4233

Seorankings001@gmail commented 2024-05-01
"Hello and Good Day! I'm Dipesh Lunthi, Business Development Manager at a reputable online marketing company based in India. I noticed that your website is not ranking well on Google and other search engines, which could be affecting your visibility to potential customers. While your website design is impressive, it's crucial to enhance its visibility on search engines to attract more traffic. Our 360° Digital Marketing Agency, backed by experienced and innovative SEO Experts, has a proven track record of helping over 1000+ businesses achieve top rankings on Google's first page. We specialize in providing cost-effective and high-quality solutions to small and medium-sized companies like yours. Our tailored strategies are designed to optimize your online presence and capture the attention of your target audience. To improve your website's visibility on search engines and maximize your chances of reaching potential customers, I would be happy to send you a detailed proposal, price list, and compelling case studies. Let's elevate your online presence to new heights! Thanks, Dipesh Lunthi"


(484) 517-8709 or +1 (484)517-8709

E.L. Arch commented 2024-05-01
And another call from "COATESVILLE PA" -- just like yesterday's except for the time of day and that there are now reports on more sites like this about this number being probable spam....


(717) 998-9309 or +1 (717)998-9309

E.L. Arch commented 2024-05-01
And Yet Another™ hangup call from "HARRISBURG PA" -- think I've been averaging one a week from this caller ID since the middle of last month.


(223) 747-2683 or +1 (223)747-2683

Jane Doe commented 2024-05-01
Another call from "Name Unavailable". Call supposedly went to voicemail, but no message was left. Guessing spam (possibly a robocaller system which got some chump to take the bait).


(412) 556-0189 or +1 (412)556-0189

Bianca Lyttle commented 2024-05-01
Caller ID said "SR INSURANCE" but there was no message left. And when I looked up the company, this is not REMOTELY like the number listed on their website.


(551) 900-6545 or +1 (551)900-6545

Desdemona Renfield commented 2024-04-30
Did not recognize either the number or the caller ID (which came up as "DUMONT NJ" (yeah, with the text flush left and flush right on the screen). Suspect spam.


(814) 961-6473 or +1 (814)961-6473

Desdemona Renfield commented 2024-04-30
Caller ID just said "JOHNSTOWN PA" (yeah -- with a big gap in the middle). Another site already had reports of this being a spam call when I did a Google search for it (there was also some bogus site, with a Guadeloupe domain) with fake sounding names on the link Google showed.


(210) 695-2346 or +1 (210)695-2346

Dennis J Gittinger commented 2024-04-29
It's a fake number


(484) 517-8709 or +1 (484)517-8709

E.L. Arch commented 2024-04-29
Another call from "Name Unavailable". Picked up and hung up on general principle -- and turns out that was a good plan -- NO hits for the # on Google at ALL....